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发布时间: 2011-03-29 » 香港理工大學設計學院 供稿
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Call for Papers
International Conference on Interaction Design

9 - 12 November, 2011 at
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design

Delight & Responsibility

Organized by
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tsinghua University
Carnegie Mellon University

The second ICID is looking at how interaction design is moving beyond human-computer interaction to creating delightful and responsible individual, social, and organizational experiences.

As innovators, we have the power to craft experiences that are not just delightful when navigating human lives in various contexts from digital navigation to organizational decision making, and social lives, but being sustainable, moral and ethical, or otherwise "responsible". Despite its popularity, interaction design is either confined to digital culture or remains ambiguous when applied to a broader social and business context. ICID 2011 revisits its definition, language, approaches, and principles with respect to both rigour and intuition on how understanding the very fundamentals of interaction provides new opportunities for applying interaction design as a new approach to rather than a sub-discipline of design. 

We would like to invite researchers, practitioners, educators and students to submit papers and case studies on delightful experiences and responsible design in interaction design. We believe that your contribution will not only enrich the knowledge on interaction design, but also include you in the shaping and developing interaction design in China and Asia as it is gaining its recognition in the region.

Areas of interest include:
1. Methodologies
2. Education & Curriculum Development
3. Industry & Business
4. Usability
5. Information Design
6. Social Innovation
7. Service Design 

Paper Submission Dates*:
Wed 27 Apr Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
Wed 15 Jun Notification of Acceptance
Wed 31 Aug Full Papers Submission Deadline
Wed 9 Nov ICID 2011 Conference Begins

*Dates are subject to change
Please submit your extended abstract or full paper online. All extended abstract submissions must be made by Wednesday 27 April 2011, together with author names, affiliations and contact details. Detailed guidelines for submitting papers are available on the conference website http://www.icidconference.com/papers.html.

We look forward to your participation in ICID 2011: Delight and Responsibility and hope to see you here in Hong Kong in November.

ICID 2011 Organizing Committee
Contact us: info@icidconference.com

Lorraine Justice
Dean, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Xin Xiangyang
Associate Professor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dan Boyarski
Professor, School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University

Lu Xiaobo
Professor, Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University

Catherine Hu
Rennie Kan
Michael Lai
Xin Xiangyang
Wilson Yuen
Zhiyong Fu

» None.

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